- East High School – graduated 1956
- University of Utah – Bachelor of Science degree Electrical Engineering 1961
- Computer Methods of Power System Analysis, University of Santa Clara
- IBM Information Systems Planning
- US Army Germany-Ordinance Company Commanding Officer 1962-1964
- Utah Power & light/PacifiCorp 1964-1990
Conservation Organizations
- Trout Unlimited Member-35 years
- Henrys Fork Foundation Board of Directors, Board Secretary, Chair Research and Restoration Committee
- Utah Council Trout Unlimited, Vice President Conservation 1994-2014
- Blue Ribbon Fisheries Advisory Council (Chair-founding member)
- Trout Unlimited: National Resources Board, National Non-Professional
- Conservation Award 1999, National Resource council
- Utah Anglers Coalition (Chair, founding member)
- Wildlife Resources Habitat Council, initial angler representative
- Salt Lake 2002 Olympics Environmental Advisory Committee
- Utah Upland Game Advisory Committee
- East Canyon Water Quality Steering Committee, angler representative
- Friends of Strawberry Valley
- Provo Canyon Highway Project ‘Cooperating Advisory Team, angler representative
- Federation of Flyfishers
- Ducks Unlimited
- Stonefly Society Chapter, Trout Unlimited. Conservation Officer 1991-1993
- Little Cottonwood Canyon Watershed Group
- Central Utah Project-Fish Hatchery Production Group, Uintah Basin Replacement Project Wildlife and Fisheries Technical Teams
- Water Quality Non-Point Task Force
- Water Quality Standards Working group
- State Mercury Working group
- Utah Forest Restoration Workgroup
- Utah Water Quality Health Advisory Panel