
Fly Tyers

The Wasatch Fly Tying & Fly Fishing Expo always has some of the best tyers in the Intermountain area, demonstrating their skills. Come out and see techniques, patterns and materials of all types. The tyers are an incredible source of knowledge, and are very willing to share. We encourage and welcome tyers of all skill levels to participate and show their stuff.


If you are interested in becoming a participant, please email: Marty Howard, Fly Tyer Chair.


2025 Fly Tyers

Friday & Saturday March 28th & 29th

In no particular Order, we thank all these Tyers for Demo Tying for Us!

Marty Howard – Author, Guide, Rod Maker, Feather Wizard – @martyohoward

Abram Wanner – @abesoutdoors
Adam Vincent – @adamsflycorner
Alun Thomas –
Austin Haacke
Bennie Johnson
Brian Beckstead – payaraflyfishing.com
Carl Yoshida
Chris Ashby – @knflyfisher08
Justin Barnard – Semperfli Pro Team – @justincbarnard
Dave Allison- @westtexasbugs  – Norvise Ambassador
Ed Switzer –
Gary Jones –
Hal Gordan
Hope Blackburn
James Banas – Bonneville Fly Fishers
John Hegsted
John Schultz – Norvise Ambassador – UT FF Hall of Fame
Joseph Vincent
K. Gordon Glissmeyer
Larry Croft – High Country Fly Fishers
Layne Read – @mischievous_208
Mike Evans
Peter Steen – @fly_fishing_pete – GULFF Pro Team
Rich Lobrovich – Bonneville Fly Fishers
Robert Williamson
Tom Doxey – UT FF Hall of Fame
Wes Ashcraft – YouTube Salmon Fly – @superweslee
Bryant Cook – @mayflymotel
Jeff Waldvogel
Bob Sugitachi – @TroutFlies on YouTube – Troutfliesutah.com
Jeffrey Dean
Jonathan Scola – @jonscola
Fish Tech Outfitters – FishTechOutfitters.com
Wasatch Women’s Fly Fishing Club – WWFFC on Facebook
Brighton Cleaver – @bulletproofbugs